

8 products

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products
Melamine Bamboo Bowl - 20cm 1 Piece - Dollars and Sense
Sale price$2.50
Bamboo Melamine - Bowl In stock, 23 units
Melamine Bamboo Rice Bowl 14cm - Dollars and Sense
Sale price$2.50
Melamine Bamboo - Rice Bowl In stock, 22 units
Melamine Bamboo Pasta Bowl 22cm - Dollars and Sense
Sale price$3.50
Melamine Bamboo - Pasta Bowl In stock, 23 units
Melamine Bamboo Square Salad Bowl 23cm - Dollars and Sense
Sale price$3.99
Square Salad Bowl - Melamine Bamboo Check Local Store for Availability
Melamine Bamboo Round Plate 25cm - Dollars and Sense
Sale price$2.50
Melamine Bamboo - Round Plate Only 1 unit left
Melamine Bamboo Entr̩e Platter 39cm - Dollars and Sense
Sale price$3.99
Melamine Bamboo Platter - Entrée Only 2 units left
Dog Bowl Melamine - 18x5.5cm 1 Piece Assorted Default Title
Sale price$2.99
Dog Bowl - Melamine In stock, 17 units
Cat Bowl Melamine - 14x4cm 1 Piece Assorted Default Title
Sale price$2.99
Cat Bowl - Melamine In stock, 20 units

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